All cosmetics and skincare businesses which export to China or are registered with the NMPA must submit an annual report to NMPA by the 31st of March, 2022.
"The Measures for the Management of Cosmetic Registration and Filing Materials", a regulation issued by the Chinese National Medical Products Administration (or NMPA), came into effect on the 1st of January of this year. This regulation stipulates that all cosmetics and skincare products that are currently registered in China must submit an annual operation status report to NMPA between the 1st of January and 31st of March every year.
Who must submit the annual report
All cosmetics and skincare products brand owners and /or manufacturers who are currently registered in China/export to China.
What you need to do
The annual reporting came into force from the 1st of January this year and is mandatory for all brands exported to China. Cosmetic and skincare brand owners and manufacturers must submit the annual report to NMPA, stating its current operation status: -Whether the business is currently manufacturing cosmetics/skincare; -Status of export to China; -Whether it is in operation or closed; -Whether the business has conducted self-check to ensure it complies with relevant regulations and standards. When to submit the annual report to NMPA 1st January to 31st March each year.
We will assist you with the annual submission
China And Beyond is a professional Asian market service provider. One of our key services is to register foreign establishments, suppliers, trademarks, and products with Chinese government agencies. Our service team in Sydney will work with you to prepare the information and then submit the annual report. Contact us today to prepare and submit the annual report. Email: